The pandemic of 2020 has more of us working online and from home. It has also brought our children’s schooling from the school building into the home. With more and more information online, the need for accessible content also grows. Accessible content is structured and formatted so that it is useable by everyone, including people with disabilities.
What is required for Section 508 compliance?
Section 508 regulations require federal agencies and federal contractors to provide individuals with disabilities access to webpages and documentation equal to the general public. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 goes further to protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities by requiring equal access to products and services, which include websites and e-commerce.
Do I need to worry about these requirements?
If you find yourself in one of the following categories, you should be addressing accessibility for your website and linked documents:
- Agencies of the US Federal Government
- Agencies or organizations receiving federal funding (such as contractors)
- Companies providing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to federal agencies
- Organizations in states with expanded ICT accessibility laws or policies
- State and local government agencies providing web resources and electronic documents
- Agencies or organizations providing accessible ICT for individuals with disabilities
- Anyone who wants to include everybody in their online experience for better customer relations and improved customer satisfaction
How can I become compliant?
First, your website should follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). WCAG ensures sufficient color contrast, consistent text styles, and compatibility with a screen reader. The guidelines range from minimum for accessibility (A) through the highest level of accessibility (AAA).
The government’s Section 508 website ( provides additional requirements for electronic documents and ICT.
How can Vision Technologies help?
Vision Technologies can help you navigate your compliance needs, including testing and remediation of your electronic files and documents. We understand WCAG and the other best practices to make your online presence accessible and welcoming to everyone.
In today’s environment we are more and more dependent on online information: employees, clients, customers, students, and the general public. Vision can help you achieve and maintain Section 508 compliance and free up your staff for their core responsibilities. Don’t ignore Section 508 compliance requirements – take the action you need now to meet your obligations under the law and ensure greater customer satisfaction for users of all abilities!
For more information, visit and contact us for options to get the help you need.