Reflections Hall at 8015 Ft. Smallwood Road
Baltimore, MD
United States
Join Vision's Bull & Oyster Roast on Saturday, January 19th to benefit the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). This is a wonderful organization that offers compassionate care to all those grieving the loss of a loved one who died while serving in our Armed Forces or as a result of his or her service.
Vision will be selling tickets in which proceeds will go towards a variety of programs to assist surviving families, casualty officers and caregivers. See taps.org for information about TAPS.
When: Saturday, January 19, 2019
Where: Reflections Hall 8015 Ft. Smallwood Road Baltimore, MD 21226
Time: 6pm – 10pm
Cost: $45/Person
Details: We will have a DJ and catering will be provided by Beefalo Bob’s (pit beef, pit ham, pit turkey, shredded beef bbq, baked ziti, Raw Oyster Bar, MD crab soup, salads, corn on the cob, veggie & cheese trays, beer & wine). There will be a silent auction and 50/50 raffle to benefit TAPS.
For more information, please contact planning@visiontech.biz.