Vision Technologies proposed a safety solution to a county in Pennsylvania for protecting their employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vision’s Screening, Protection & Tracing (SPT) solution performed so well that the county ordered additional units to be installed at multiple locations.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire dynamic on how the County has had to conduct daily business. The County needed a way to protect their employees and visitors conducting business in County facilties, as COVID continued to spread globally. An effective solution was needed quickly since the coronavirus was spreading so rapidly.
Vision provided, installed and tested 12 Temperature and Mask Detection readers at designated building entrances, including the county courthouse and Human Services buildings. Vision also installed low-voltage power wiring and power supplies as required. Various mounting options were selected to include freestanding poles, wall brackets, and pedestal poles with heavy-duty clamps. Vision provided training for daily operation.
The County was so pleased with the SPT performance and outcome that they requested Vision to install additional SPT units at the courthouse, and new units at the juvenile detention center, jail, County-owned nursing home, and library. The inplementation of Vision’s SPT solutions enabled the County to conduct socially distant screening to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus within their buildings. It also eliminated the need to hire additional personnel for temperature taking and mask detection, and facilitated improved entry processing for employees and visitors at County facilities.
Download the full case study.