Montgomery College received the 2020 Distinguished Single Field Facility award from American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) and notified Vision that our AV and Security teams contributed to their distinguished recognition. The championship-level field in Rockville offers a high-quality look and feel with its artificial turf, press box, grandstand seating area, and exterior athletic lighting.
Vision designed, installed, and optimized a sound system in the soccer field complex to be used during soccer games, other college activities, and rentals for community use. The racked system included PA announcer station, multiple handheld microphones and lavaliers for speech reinforcement or public address.
An ADA-compliant, RF-based assisted listening system for people sitting in the grandstand area around the press box was also installed. Weatherproof speakers mounted to the front and sides of the press box provide sound to the seating area, and high-powered full-range weatherproof speakers elevated behind the press box provide controlled sound coverage to the soccer field and across the field to the opposite sideline without negatively impacting the surrounding community.
In addition, Vision's Security team mounted Mobotix cameras on the interior and exterior of the locker room building. The team also installed a Lenel access control system on the building.
This project was a team effort and a perfect example of world-class planning and execution, yielding world-class results.